Research Skill and Project Management

Does anyone have Eng221 Tech writting fundamentals?
August 7, 2017
Briefly explain the mission of the OSH Act. What is the rationale behind the Act? Your response should be at least 200 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.
August 7, 2017
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Research Skill and Project Management

Contents, Style, relevance, Originality:-
The background section should indicate the knowledge of the organizational context and some understanding of the problem to be investigated and why it is appropriate to investigate it. The research questions and objective section should provide a clear indication of the questions to be investigated ( and why ). The literature review should provide some indication of the theories and models that will be used to inform the research question and also the subsequent analysis of the research undertaken. The purpose of the literature review being to locate the research within models and theories that already exist and which can be used to understand both the approach to the problem and the recommendations that you make. The method used to undertake the research also needs to be justified through established theories and models.
Constructive critical analysis, introduction, conclusion:-
The background section should critically explore the organizational context and the problem in-order to establish that there is a real need to undertake the research ?and benefit from taking action on it. The literature review should offer some critical evaluation of the established literature in-order to effectively develop the appropriate research questions and to be able to assist the research finding of the research in relation to established literature. The method of research adopted needs to be justified through relevant literature. The time scale resource plan also needs to be credible and realistic.
Assignment Task:
Provide research proposal for a dissertation suitable for the executive MBA.
The proposal document should include the following:
? Title of the Proposed Project
? Background ( Rational and justification of the project )
? Literature review ( an indication of the literature to be explored in support of the analysis of the problem and brief justification )
? Research questions and objectives ( to be explored with appropriate explanation and justification )
? Method ( suitably Justified )
? Timescale and resources planned for the project.
? Reference used in the proposal.

Other Instructions:
Please ensure that the internet references is 10% and 10% books, 80% journal. At-least 8 to 10 references each. Not to use Wikipedia and similar resources. Research should be from recent references preferably not older than 2005.
Proposal should contain survey, sampling and Conclusion with bulleted points.
Major headings:
? Title
? Background
? Research Questions and objectives
? Method
? Timescale
? Resources
? References

Please keep the research subject related to project in State of Qatar.

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