Renewable and Sustainable Resources (SDBE502) Assignment Brief

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Renewable and Sustainable Resources (SDBE502) Assignment Brief

Sustainable Design of the Built Environment MSc Programme
st semester 2014/2015
Renewable and Sustainable Resources (SDBE502)
Assignment Brief
For this assignment you will be asked to do an in-depth paper about a sustainable/renewable energy source. The source
can be one that is discussed in this module or not, as long as it is approved beforehand. Regardless of the energy source
you have selected, you are expected to perform extensive reading and research about the topic well beyond what will be
discussed in this module. You are to become an “expert” about this resource by the end of your work. You can work on
your own pace throughout the duration of this module BUT be mindful of your progress and the limited time you have.
This is not the type of work you can do over a few days searching the web. You need to focus of using research based
references (scientific journals, conference, books, etc). General Websites are NOT considered a reliable source of
information. You can check your progress with me but I will not provide you with details of what information to include
nor will I correct drafts for you.
You will submit two reports, an interim and a final report, as per the dates shown below. Following are the expectations
for each report:
The interim report (worth 10% of the final mark) of around 2000 words is to cover the following aspects:
1) A short description of the usage history of this source, where it originated, how it was first used, the main
milestones in the development of the source etc.
2) A concise yet informative description of the main working principle(s) of the select source.
The final report (worth 50% of the final mark) of around 5000 words is to cover the following aspects (DO NOT repeat
items in the interim report):
1) Main advantages, disadvantages and limitations of the source.
2) Current state of technological development of the source.
3) What are the future challenges in developing this source?
4) What role do you foresee this source playing in humanities near/long-term energy future and how will it interact,
complement or face up to other energy technologies.
Make sure you use proper Harvard referencing technique in you paper. Re-write what information you have collected in
your own words. Wholesale copy and past practice will not be accepted even if they are properly referenced. All
assignments will be checked using the Turn It In programme to check for plagiarism.
Assignment timeline:
Week 1: Introduction to assignment.
Week 3: Selection and approval of the topic of the assignment.
Week 7 (Nov 3
rd, 2014): Submission of the interim report (worth 10% of final mark)
Week 12 (Dec 15
th, 2014): Submission of the final report (worth 50% of final mark)
Submission format:
Both reports are to be submitted in e-form through Blackboard (NO hardcopy is required) is to the module tutor/facility
administrator no later than midnight on the due date; BB will automatically close the submission at 12:01AM of the next
day. Also you need to submit the softcopy of all e-references used for each assignment within 24 hrs of the assignment
submission date; via e-mail or other means.
The electronic files submitted must be named: RSR_Sept14_Interim_Id#.doc or RSR_Sept14_Final_Id#.doc, for the
interim and final reports respectively. Id# is your BUiD student ID number (e.g. RSR_Sept14_Final_120123.doc). Late
submissions will be subject to penalties as per the university regulations.

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Wind Energy as a Renewable Source
Renewable and Sustainable Resources
SDBE 502
Raashid Riza 110107

Table of contents
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Brief History of Wind as an Energy Form
3.0 Milestones in the Development of Wind Energy
4.0 Working Principles of Wind Energy
4.1 Lift and Drag
4.2 Controlling Power : Pitch and Stall
4.3 Power and Efficiency in energy generation.
5.0 Types of Wind Turbines

Table of contents
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Brief History of Wind as an Energy Form
3.0 Milestones in the Development of Wind Energy
4.0 Working Principles of Wind Energy
4.1 Lift and Drag
4.2 Controlling Power : Pitch and Stall
4.3 Power and Efficiency in energy generation.
5.0 Types of Wind Turbines

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