Relate the barriers to receiving mental health care as compared to physical health care, in both developed and developing countries.

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Relate the barriers to receiving mental health care as compared to physical health care, in both developed and developing countries.

Barriers. Relate the barriers to receiving mental health care as compared to physical health care, in both developed and developing countries.

In a one page document save your assignment in Microsoft Word. Your assignment submission is limited to 250 words (+/- 10 words).
References in the body of the paper and at the end of the paper must follow APA guidelines. NOTE: References are not to be included as part of your word count. Papers will be evaluated using the Holistic Rubric and the Course Assignment Rubric located in Schreiner One under
The student clearly identifies the main point or conclusion of the argument.
The main supporting arguments are identified clearly, accurately, and completely.
The student’s evaluation of the supporting arguments is specific, clear, thorough, and cogent.
The student’s overall evaluation of the argument is stated clearly and is strongly supported by the arguments provided.
Robust comparison of the barriers to receiving mental health care and physical care is explored for both developed and developing countries.
Grammar is correct. Word count and format guidelines are proper.
To simply “cut and paste” from a book or article is unacceptable and is considered plagiarism. This is grounds for dismissal from the BSN program on first offense and from SU.
10. All information obtained from another source must be cited in both the body of the paper as well as on the Reference page, per APA guidelines. Failing to do so is considered plagiarism. This is grounds for dismissal from the BSN program on first offense and from SU
2. Environmental Incidents”
Explain why is it important to human health to pay attention to environmental incidents caused by chemicals, infections agents, or radiations? How do these agents cause global environmental health incidents? Include example(s) to illustrate your perspective

Information clearly relates to the main topic and includes several supporting details and/or examples in a well-organized way. Grammar is correct.

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