Reflective essay -Business

Critically evaluate the statement by Cook (2008) that ‘businesses are now recognizing that engaged employees are more productive, engender greater levels of customer loyalty and are more likely to encourage and contribute to organizational suc
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Reflective essay -Business

Write a reflective essay on a current ethics or sustainability problem, based on an extended example from a business organisation of the student’s choice.
Compulsory: Extensive application of FOUR ethical theories is demanded.
Don’t necessarily choose a major issue or high profile case. Think widely – own experience, local newspaper, small firms just as relevant as big cases
Don’t choose a classic business ethics case from a text book or journal (e.g. Foxconn and Apple, Nike/Gap and poor labour standards in supply chains, BP and the Mexico gulf oil spill, ENRON and financial scandal)
Don’t choose a classic business ethics case from a text book or journal (e.g. Foxconn and Apple, Nike/Gap and poor labour standards in supply chains, BP and the Mexico gulf oil spill, ENRON and financial scandal)
Don’t do something which you know someone else is doing.
Don’t just talk broadly about a company (e.g. Body Shop, Marks & Spencer, Ben & Jerry’s).
Don’t ignore the bias of the media you draw from. Do focus on APPLYING rather than DESCRIBING ethical theory. Depth of application (and therefore understanding is needed)
Do think carefully about which theories you use – a range which give different perspectives is useful. Recommend using 4 different theories.
Do give reasons for your choice of theory
Do include in your conclusion your own personal perspective on the ethics of the case and why

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