Reality Assignments
General Instructions. These assignments are designed for you to integrate your own experience with class information. Assignments will be typed, 1-2 pages (no more no less), double spaced, have one-inch margins, use 12-point font, and use Times New Roman font.
All assignments will be submitted as an attachment on D2L on or before the due date (Before
9:25AM on the due date). Use the “Browse My Computer” option to attach the file to the assignment drop box. Please put information from the lectures and the book in your own words and then cite them in-text. You are expected to have a citation from lecture information, which will be (Vaterlaus, 2014) in-text and from the textbook (Seccombe, 2012) in each assignment (both of these citations need to be in your paper or points will be taken away). If you have questions about in-text citation refer back to the lecture notes on Research and Families from
There are 2 parts to this assignment. Complete the “conversations” and then summarize your experience. Address each of the following questions in your paper.
1. Initiate a face-to-face conversation with someone you consider close.
How was non-verbal communication evident in this conversation?
What positive listening skills did the person use?
2 . Initiate a second face-to-face conversation with a person you consider close to you. Attempt to use positive listening skills.
What skills came more naturally?
What skills were more difficult?