Peter van Inwagen: “Is It Wrong, Always, Everywhere, and for Anyone, to Believe Anything, Upon Insufficient Evidence?”
August 7, 2017
Annotated Bibliography about an issue in higher education
August 7, 2017
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  • Demonstrate understanding of the role the graduate level nurse has as leader in creating change in population health.




2.    Apply leadership, change, and decision making theories to improve health delivery outcomes.

3.    Examine influences that affect population health.

4.    Employ communication and collaboration strategies to improve patient and population health outcomes.

Unit 2:



The purpose of writing this proposal for change paper is to explore various strategies for change related to the topic of interest issue in assignment 2, and describe the change you propose, as well as the rationale for this change. This paper will build on assignment 2.




1.   Write a 4-5 page paper, not including title and reference pages:

  1. Using the literature review findings you identified in Assignment 2, describe the change you propose and the rationale for this change. Use a change model to guide the development of the plan. Be specific in describing the plan for change; why it is necessary, the elements of the plan, and its effect on population health. The rationale should be supported with information from peer-reviewed journals within the last 5 years.
  2. The advanced nurse leader will be directing this change. Describe HOW you will enact this change. Detail which specific communication and collaboration strategies will be used to enact the change.  Use the literature to support the strategies; again find at least 2 peer-reviewed sources.
  3. Describe the possible advantages and disadvantages of the change; include the effect the change will have on population health. Support the perceived impact of the change with peer-reviewed sources.

The paper should be typed in 12 point font, double-spaced, in Microsoft Word, with a title page and reference page. APA format must be used. Please use headings to organize your paper. Please use headings to organize your paper


Clinical Scholars in Nursing

Background Information

The medical field has experienced tremendous growth and success in the twenty-first century. Most notably it has been due to the improvement in public health and the advancement of technology in the treatment of patients. Most governments have invested more money in health population research so as to combat diseases and ensure sustainable medical care. One of the notable observations is the increasing trend in which most medical practitioners are also engaging in academic practices. For example, most universities and medical training schools now have medical hospitals that offer hands on experience for their students. Such centers are managed by medics who instructs and to some extend teaches the students. Academic literary work has become closer to nursing and clinical work (Finkelman & Kenner, 2013) which is a direct result of the amount of input clinical scholars having contributed towards the growth of the nursing profession.  The clinical scholarship theory was developed on the idea of the study; research and innovation to develop the best practices and processes for better patient management (Wilkes, Mannix & Jackson, 2013).

Population health impact

The impact of clinical scholarship on population health has been enormous. Through coordinated and conducted studies and research most clinical scholars have been able to come up with best health policies.  They have helped to combat diseases and instilled good health practices among the people. For example, it is through the effort of academic researchers that the benefits from aspirin use is greatly applauded and help clinicians and patients develop a patient-centered approach to preventive therapy (Sussman, Vijan, Choi, & Hayward, 2011), cures to public health scares such as polio has been discovered and policies such as family planning methods have been introduced to manage populations (Wilke, et. al, 2013).

Literature Review

There is a considerable amount of research work that has been conducted on this topic that this paper will consider. Most of the articles and published scholarly work used in this paper presents the critical analysis of adult learning and Clinical scholarship as a way of improving nursing at advanced levels.

The ABC of learning and teaching medicine is a publication that has been contributed to by many medical scholars and professionals. This paper will place more emphasis on John Spencer’s Learning and teaching in the clinical environment’s Chapter which highlights the best surroundings that adult learning and clinical scholarship can thrive.

The National League of Learning’s Clinical Scholarship and Adult learning theory places a major focus on the Doctor of Nursing practice (DNP) that bonds well with this postgraduate research work. It provides comprehensive definitions of Clinical scholarship and its importance to the nursing and the medical profession at large. Understanding the importance of the theory is vital especially to future DNP prospective who can be motivated to be clinical scholars.

It is very important to understand the ethical and professional set of ethics set by the nursing profession. Such code of ethics is very important for most clinical scholars as it draws a clear boundary on the scope of their work, their function ability and how to relate best with others in the profession. The National league of Nursing in its published work Core Competencies of Nursing Educators (2013) provides resourceful information about this.

Articles Review

Adult learning and Clinical scholarship theory gained much acclaim and dominance when there was a change of nursing not just as a hospital setting career but also an academic one. We are now at a point in time whereby the profession is considered an academic field due to the many formulated theories and the deep research that has been recorded in the past. There is now a clear difference between an academician and a practicing clinician. The level of intellectual work in the nursing profession has increased considerably. Most published research work has called for the need to enhance knowledge in the nursing field through the embrace of modern technology and scientific methods. Among the pacesetters of clinical scholarship is the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics and College of nursing and the University of Texas Medical Branch (Gatti-Petito, Lakatos, Bradley, Cook, Haight, & Karl, 2013).

Clinical scholars are highly self-motivated people, critical thinkers who embrace continuous research and learning by employing various resources so as to come up with better clinical methods. Through their creativity and innovation, they formulate problem-solving methodologies that can be implemented in the profession. They then provide evidence and sharing platforms for other scholars in the profession and other practicing nurses to discuss, use and implement their work. A clinical scholarship is nursing that provides evidence and the development of the most effective practices that satisfies the needs of the patients or clients for that matter (Gatti-Petito, et. al, 2013). Clinical scholarship incorporates scientific methods to provide solutions to the various clinical problems.

Clinical scholarship has been identified to prosper in the environments that can offer the following characteristics (Cantillon, Hutchinson, &&Wood, 2010);

a) An environment that promotes creativity, free thinking, expression and innovation, will allowscholars the enabling environment to engage in their various activities.

b) An organization that has a robust mentor-ship program through which continuity can be guaranteed through nurturing of young and upcoming scholars by experienced clinical scholars.

c) An environment where there are recognition, reward and support for the activities of clinical scholarly work such as research initiatives.

d) Much excellence is realized where resources such as technological equipment are provided to the clinician. This equipment aids them in various scholarly works such as data analysis.

e) Where there is co-operation, mutual working relationship and understanding between the nursing staff such as the clinicians and the academicians so as to realize better patient outcomes.

Among the objectives of the Clinical Scholarship Theory is to expose educators in the nursing field to the latest ethics and practice in nursing management. Therefore improves the quality experienced during routine nursing instructing modules. It is also aimed at encouraging scholarly inquiry about the problems that face clinicians in their daily duty of work. For a very long time, nurses and clinicians had relied on professional solutions but clinical scholarship theory brings a blend between professional and academic thinking which gives the maximum desired results for improved patient outcomes (Cantillon et al., 2010).


Cantillon, P., Hutchinson, L.,&Wood, D., (2010) ABC of Learning and Teaching in                      Medicine. Tavistock, London, BMJ publishing

Finkelman, A.,& Kenner, C.,.(2013)Professional Nursing Concepts (PDF) Retrieved                     from

Gatti-Petito, J., Lakatos, B. E., Bradley, H. B., Cook, L., Haight, I. E., & Karl, C. A.                    (2013). Clinical Scholarship and Adult Learning Theory: A Role for the DNP                     in Nursing Education. Nursing Education Perspectives, 34(4), 273-276.

National League of Nursing (NLN)(2013).  Core Competencies of Nursing Educators                   [pdf]. Retrieved from Http://

Sussman, J., Vijan, S., Choi, H., & Hayward, R. (2011). Individual and population                        benefits of daily aspirin therapy: a proposal for personalizing national                            guidelines. Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality & Outcomes, 4(3), 268-275               . doi:10.1161/CIRCOUTCOMES.110.959239

Wilkes, L., Mannix, J., & Jackson, D. (2013). Practicing nurses perspectives of                               clinical scholarship: a qualitative study. BMC Nursing, 12(1), 21-27.                                   doi:10.1186/1472-6955-12-21

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