Professional Intervention Food Safety in Hilton Hotel in Leeds

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Professional Intervention Food Safety in Hilton Hotel in Leeds

I need really perfect report for this important model, it is about FOOD HYGIENE INSPECTION IN HILTON HOTEL, I need you to look at the attachment that I uploaded, there are 2 folders, the most important folder is (food): 1) On this folder you will see attachment called: food inspection, there are 9 pages on it, you have to look at them to do the report because these pages that I took the notes for the inspection. 2) The 9 page of food inspection you will see SIT PLAN , and this one id for the pictures that I taken through the inspection, you will see the pictures in (Sit Plan( food inspection)). 3) Also you need (food law Annex6) which is important for the report. 4) After finishing the report I need you to fill the (score sheet) for this inspection. The professional intervention folder: 1) There is (MDBKProfInterv Food 1314) you should look at it to see what I need in the report and how goes the marking to take a very high mark. 2) The other information like Legislation maybe helps on this report. I need the writing will be Harvard style, and over 2000 words. PLZ every thing that you stuck just give me a message to see if you need something. as I said I really need a good report on this. and please I need it English (UK)

I made this report before and I failed I got just 20% so please do not make the same as the writer before, I will upload his report to can see it obviously.

My teacher sent to me the feedback I hope to see it carefully wich is very important; this is her feedback bellow:

here is your individual feedback. You should have already looked at the cohort feedback posted a couple of weeks ago as this is very important too. From this feedback and looking also at the module guide you should be aware that you missed several items. The main issue was that you did not follow the brief in the module guide. You need to re read this as you failed to submit either a letter or Hygiene Improvement Notice each of these carried 20% of the marks for the assessment so you missed out on 40% of the marks straightaway

You need to submit

· Your inspection form

· The risk rating and explanation

· A letter to the Food business operator

· A Hygiene Improvement Notice

· An evaluation of the HACCP system.

The risk rating you gave the premises was incorrect and I suggest you look at this part of the cohort feedback as there is guidance given here. You can use this guidance to work through the risk score and explanation again.

With regard to the evaluation of the food safety management system described some of the pre requisites but needs to show that you know where the 7 principles are met such as identification of hazards. What were their critical control points and critical limits? What monitoring did they do? What corrective action was in place and what verification do they do?

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