Private Universitys vs Public State Universitys Compare and Contrast

Explain the difference between US GAAP and IFRS.
August 7, 2017
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August 7, 2017
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Private Universitys vs Public State Universitys Compare and Contrast

Private Universitys vs Public State Universitys Compare and Contrast

Paper instructions:
Just A Outline!!!!


Comparison/Contrast – to show similarities and differences between 2 items

*Topic: ______ vs. ______

*For ideas – see pp. 261-262 (or choose one of your own)

How to Write It:

1)Compare and contrast according to a single principle

Items to Compare

Single Principle
ease of travel

Possible Topics to Cover in Comparison

2)Use a chart



3)Compare and contrast according to a single purpose

*to clarify :
Ex: Comparing football to soccer in order to explain American football to a foreigner for whom soccer is more familiar

*to show how 1 item is better than another :
Ex: Arguing which is better – travel by car or travel by airplane

*to use 2 items as examples of a generalization (often used in literature classes) :
Ex: Using 2 poems by Emily Dickinson to show how she frequently uses the theme of death in her works

4)Thesis Statement:

To formulate your thesis statement, answer the following question:

After looking at the similarities and differences, what is the lesson learned?

5)Topic Sentences:  1st sentence of each paragraph stating factor to be compared in that paragraph

See topic sentences in sample paper in class supplement

6)Use transitional words as you compare and contrast:

See the list of tranisitional words in the class supplement.  The ones in the “Contrast Signals” and “Comparison Signals” columns are the most

helpful for this essay.

7)If you see an exception, mention it

If there are certain areas in your comparison where the 2 items obviously don’t correspond, it’s better to mention it rather than just ignoring


Ex: Comparing learning how to write an essay to learning how to drive a car (would have some similarities, but obviously some major differences)

*8) Organization

2 Possible Methods:

1) Subject by Subject – cover 1 item completely, then focus on the other one
2) Point by Point – back and forth between the 2 items being compared

Ex: Comparing a book to a movie version of it

Subject by Subject
Paragraph 1 – Introduction
Paragraph 2 – Book
Paragraph 3 – Movie
Paragraph 4 – Conclusion

Point by Point
Paragraph 1 – Introduction
Paragraph 2 – Setting
Paragraph 3 – Plot
Paragraph 4 – Characters
Paragraph 5 – Conclusion

For sample papers using each of the above methods, see pp. 233-236

Subject by Subject – “Life After Death”
Point by Point – “Smarter But”

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