Presentation of Basic Contract Law for Administrators

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August 7, 2017
write a paper based on information gathered from a family interview. Paper should be 4-5 pages in length (no longer!), double spaced using 12 point font and 1” margins,Select a child with whom you are veryInterview the members of the child’s family in order to gather data that will help you to write a 4-5 page profile of the information needed.
August 7, 2017
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Presentation of Basic Contract Law for Administrators

The presentation instructure  related to college/university environmentPresentation: your presentation should be about 10 minutes long, incorporate a PowerPoint presentation, and include a 2-3-page basic/ general handout that outlines the important information presented in the presentation. The handout is not intended to be “research paper”, nor simply a printout of the cells/ material incorporated into your PowerPoint, but a well-organized synopsis of the topic that includes practical “ take aways.” The goal is to provide useful information covering the topic being presented, perhaps with space for notes during your presentation that members can use for future reference. (What would you want as a reference later?) Important: the presentation must be specifically related to college/university environment PowerPoint 12 slide without the introduction and the refrences   

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