
Write an essay that focuses on one or two people and/or things that you value highly.
August 7, 2017
promissory estoppel
August 7, 2017
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Paper instructions:



Market Research, business trends, industry data, statistics, forecasts



(the links above is recommended by the teacher for us to use for research)

Description of Case Assignment

Case Assignment 1: PotashCorp – Upon graduation from Acadia University, you have a joined a prestigious management consulting firm.  They have put you onto a project team that has been engaged to undertake an analysis of the industry and regulatory environment within which Potash Corp  operates.  Your industry analysis should take the form of a five forces analysis.  Please identify and assess each of the five forces and recommend whether it is an attractive industry to enter into. Please identify the key barriers to entry. Please also identify some of the key performance metrics in this industry and briefly describe the market structure.  In terms of the regulatory assessment, please identify the key regulators, the key industry associations and document the important industry issues from the points of view of the regulators and the industry players. Please reference online information sources appropriately using endnotes. Please end the analysis with a discussion regarding implications. In other words, after gathering the data, so what? What does it mean?

(pretty much answering the questions in the paragraph in analytical way)

•    Michael Porter 2008 The Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy. Harvard Business Review 86 (1) 78 – 93
•    Wikipedia note on Market Structure http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Market_forms.

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