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Comparison between Apple, Samsung and HTC: to construct the appropriate marketing strategies to increase the sales volume of HTC in the international market (and Taiwan market)
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You have been hired to lead a project team of computer programmers to develop new software ……..
August 7, 2017
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Post SMG251 all discussions


DB 1.2: Favorite Facility

What is your favorite sport facility that you have visited? Why is it your favorite?

103 80 18

DB 2.1: Your sport facility experience

Discuss your most memorable sport facility experience. Provide some of the details of the facility that you can recall. Explain how and why it impacted you. What made it so memorable?

88 73 17

DB 2.2: Future Competency of Facility Managers

Read the information on page 29 of our textbook about the future competency of facility managers. What are your thoughts? Which competency is most important? Least important? Why do you think this way?

78 61 16

DB 3.1: Major Construction Project Pitfalls

Review the 10 Major Construction Project Pitfalls found on page 97 of our textbook. Which do you believe to be most important? Why? Which do you believe to be least important? Why?

78 64 16

DB 3.2: The Houston Stadium Process

Read the Behind the Scenes: The Houston Stadium Process on pages 85&86 of our textbook. Provide feedback as to what you felt was the most important issues, why you felt this way, and what you would have done if you were in charge.

84 80 15

DB 4.1: Facility Focus: The New Yankee Stadium

Read the Facility Focus: The New Yankee Stadium found on page 120 of our textbook. What do you think? What information did you find out that you didn’t know prior to reading the facility focus? How is wind an issue? What would you do about the number of home runs being hit in the new Yankee Stadium?

93 78 16

DB 4.2: Facility SWOT Analysis

Watch Video

SWOT Analysis: How to perform one for your organization

Duration: (5:22)

User: virtualstrategist – Added: 7/28/08

View the attached YouTube video on SWOT Analysis and discuss the following questions

1. Develop a SWOT analysis for a facility by applying the concepts from the video to an actual sports facilty of your choice. Be sure to include internal and external factors as part of the activity. I suggest using page 102 of our textbook to help you with this discussion board post (don’t forget to tell us the name of the facility you are “SWOTing”).

2. Discuss why it is crucial for management to connect organizational strengths to both Weaknesses and Opportunities in your planning.

84 72 15

DB 5.1: Your Facility

You win $100 million in the Powerball lottery and can build almost any playing field, sports complex, arena, or stadium you want to. What do you build? Why? Where? Who will be your target audience?

99 83 16

DB 5.2: Outdoor Playing Field

Tell us about an often used outdoor complex or playing field near where you live. Explain in detail the complex or field (include the city & state) and if you were in charge of maintaining the complex or field what year round maintenance you would perform.

88 75 16

DB 6.1: Concessions at Facilities

A new concession trend is to serve regional favorites at stadiums and arenas. Research the concessions offered at one MLB stadium and one NBA arena. Tell us what facilities you researched. Compare the two and identify any unique concessions that you found?

95 83 16

DB 6.2: Major Security Breach at the Facility

Research and tell us about one particular event at a sports facility that led to a major breach of security for the patrons or participants.

89 76 15

DB 7.1: Intentional Tort in Sport

Research and tell us about one intentional tort that occurred in sports. Be specific and in-depth with your answer. Be sure to include the who, what, when, why, and where of the intentional tort.

86 75 16

DB 7.2: Slip & Fall Accidents

Read the Behind the Scenes: Fall Facts on page 265 of our textbook then reply to this scenario:

You are facility director at Post Arena. Slip and fall accidents are a problem at Post Arena. Develop a plan to limit slip and falls at Post Arena. Be in-depth and specific with your answers.

82 67 15

DB 8.1: Violence in the Workplace

According to reports, the number one security threat is workplace violence. The annual cost of violence in the workplace is estimated at $3 billion. . List 3 things a facility manager can do to reduce the risk of workplace violence in their facilities.

19 17 9

DB 8.2: Alcohol Management

Watch Video


Duration: (10:55)

User: Z3mvQ3mL00fK0ikgkn0prw – Added: 12/8/13

YouTube URL:

View the attached YouTube video and answer the following questions on the Discussion Board:

Discuss why alcohol management is important for facility managers.

What are your experiences purchasing alcohol and/or being near intoxicated fans at a facility?

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