pick up 3 recent articles and summarize them….. the first article should be about the aviation industry,,,,,,, secound one about airbus company,,,, third one about boeing company.

arts 230
August 7, 2017
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pick up 3 recent articles and summarize them….. the first article should be about the aviation industry,,,,,,, secound one about airbus company,,,, third one about boeing company.

pick up 3 recent articles and summarize them….. the first article should be about the aviation industry,,,,,,, secound one about airbus company,,,, third one about boeing company.

1- summary: summarize the key issues and facts of the article.
2- questions: answer the questions associated with the article ( if the article does not have any question- then make up three of your own)
3- recommendations – make recommendations based on the facts and your experience.
4- lessons learned – list the most valuable lessons you learned from the article.

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