physchological essay

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August 7, 2017
Problem Question
August 7, 2017
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physchological essay

physchological essay

occupational psychology :Romero ltd

Assessment Two: Case Study Essay, 2000 words (+/- 10%)
(80% of the grade for this unit)

Read the case study on Romero ltd below and answer the questions, providing research evidence for your argument.

“Romero ltd is a multi-national firm specialising in medical and pharmacological research and product development. Romero ltd has a number of high-profile clients, including military bodies. Although successful on paper, senior managers are concerned about the sustainability of present business practices and strategy at Romero ltd. There are concerns about employee health and wellbeing, due to a number of recent incidents, and organisational change is considered to be essential to Romero ltd’s performance and profitability. The cost of repair and maintenance has been problematic for Romero ltd, as has the hire and training of new staff. Senior management has admitted that staff turnover and absenteeism are “alarming.” A culture of long working hours is evident at Romero ltd, and many employees are expected to make themselves available during evenings, weekends and holidays. It is also evident that there are high levels of cynicism amongst staff. The culture of Romero ltd has tended towards open suspicion of management motives. In private, many staff will state that they do not trust the management of Romero ltd.”

Imagine that you have been invited as a consultant to improve the organisational culture, in order to reduce absenteeism and turnover, and improve performance and team working. Drawing on the topics addressed in the unit, and work psychology more generally, how would you investigate these identified issues further, and what recommendations might you make? How might you evaluate the success of your interventions? Ensure that you provide justification, with reference to relevant research.

You may find it helpful to consider the following areas (although this is not an exhaustive list):

• Job stress and employee wellbeing.
• Job design
• Job satisfaction/ motivation.
• Working in teams
• Organisational culture.
• Leadership styles.
• Selection and recruitment of new employees.


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