personality psychology

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personality psychology

personality psychology

does our culture promote a categorical(“yes/no”) way of thinking about psychological problems? Does our current cultural understanding of psychological problems suggests a qualitative or quantitative difference between “abnormal” and “normal” individuals? Note Please: Specific sources of information might include: advertising(for prescription medications to treat anxiety, depression,etc.), experts in the media discussing psychological problems, DSM-IV, and common language used when discussing psychological problems(e.g., “Do I have depression?” Does my child have ADHD?”).Discuss whether this is the most valid way to think about psychological problems, and what advantages a dimensional model may hold. Why has our society adopted the view that abnormal and normal are qualitatively different? In otherwords, what function does our current conceptualization serve? what would be implied if our society shifted toward a more quantitative understanding of the difference between normal and abnormal.

Please include at least one scholarly citation and use the text, Personality psychology, ninth edition by Barbara E.
please read the question properly answer the questions specifically. thank you


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