1. Can you describe the responsibility of your work?
2. Describe the work environment or culture in which you are most productive and happy.
2. Compare with the large enterprise, what kind of condition more attractive you in small and mediun-sized private enterprise?
3. Are you satisfied with your current salary welfare policy? What kind of policy will be more motivate you at your work? (training,salary or development)
4. Observing your coworkers, in your current or a past job, describe what motivated their best performance
5. In your experience, what draws forth your discretionary energy and effort, that willingness each person has, to go the extra mile, push harder, spend more time, do whatever it takes to get the job done?
6. Describe a work situation in which you can demonstrate that you encouraged the motivation of another person.
7. You are assigned to participate on a team that has several members who are not motivated to work hard and contribute. How have you in the past, or would you, if you were to experience it, approach this motivation situation?
8. In your experience, what motivates is your best successful performance? Can you give us an example of this motivation in action in the workplace?
9. What role does your manager or supervisor play in your personal motivation at work?
10. Describe the actions and behaviors of your manager or supervisor that you respond to most effectively
11. Do you think which aspect should be change currently in the company?
12. Do you have any plan for your future?
13. Do you have any suggestions for the development of the company in the future?