List at least three advantages of mobile technology compared to traditional technology

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List at least three advantages of mobile technology compared to traditional technology

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For number 4, I gave two App ideas. Make the wording of these ideas blind with the rest of the paper and sound better. For number 2, I gave one advantage for mobile apps. You may change it if you have something better.

In a two-three page research paper titled Mobile Applications, research the below questions regarding mobile applications. Use APA 6th edition citations and references.


Include section headers for each question:

1. Briefly describe neo-luddites and the Neo-Luddisim movement and how it may impact mobile technology.

2. List at least three advantages of mobile technology compared to traditional technology (i.e. desktops, laptops, etc.).

• One of the advantages in my opinion is mobility. You can go almost anywhere with a iPhone or android in your pocket. Feel free to change this answer if you have better ones.

3. Brainstorm a specific advantageous way a mobile application might change a business process involving college students.

4. Develop two original ideas for college mobile applications that can be used on today’s college campuses (be specific).

• App that alert students when they are getting closer to due date

I. It can alert them an hour, a few hours, a day and/or a few days for work is due.

II. It alert when work is past due.

III. It can call a student phone to deliver message stating the status of the work, weather the student have a few hours or pass due.

• App with all school activities from sporting events to anything the school have going on.

I. Student can select what activities the want to be notified about.

II. The app reminds the students of the event a week, day, and/or hours before a specific college event.

5. Identify and explain an everyday process in today’s society that may benefit from mobile technology. How might this process be improved by using a mobile application?

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