Legal obligations in respect to workplace hazards

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Legal obligations in respect to workplace hazards

Legal obligations in respect to workplace hazards

Order Description

Length: 10 min presentation +/- 10%

PowerPoint presentation with speech notes, PowerPoint presentation with embedded audio, or uploaded video in mp4 format (eg YouTube or DropBox link). See below for details.

Your task is to an OHS inspection of a workplace or facility and report your findings via a PowerPoint presentation. You will need to use an inspection checklist, which can be gained from your relevant WHS regulator, such as WorkSafe WA. You should complete this checklist and include it with your submission.

Conduct your inspection of a particular area, for example, a place of business, a building at university, a church or other religious facility, a recreation centre, etc. Make sure you seek appropriate permissions beforehand.

In your presentation, describe the following:

? The name of the relevant OHS laws (ie the Act and Regulations) that the workplace or facility falls under.

? Your findings based on the checklist.

? Any recommendations based on your findings.

? The names of any Government and other agencies in which the manager could approach in order to gain further advice and assistance.

(Note: you do not actually have to deliver your presentation.)

Marking Criteria

Presentation Style (5 marks)

? Your presentation should be of professional industry standard (ie suitable for use in a workplace setting).

? Efforts should be made to make your presentation engaging to your target audience. This should include the use of photographs, images and/or embedded audio.

Presentation Content (15 marks)

? Your presentation should include all aspects as described in the bullet points above.

Referencing (4 marks)

HST1152 Introduction to Occupational Health and Safety, Semester 1, 2015 9

? Your presentation must include in-text (on-slide) citations as well as an end-text Reference List.

Inspection Checklist (5 marks)

? You will need to include your completed checklist (eg a scanned copy or filled out electronically).

? The checklist should be one that has been recommended and approved by the relevant WHS regulator, eg WorkSafe WA.

Total: 30 Marks

How to submit your assessment:

You may submit your presentation in one of the following ways:

a) A PowerPoint presentation with your narration notes for each slide in the notes section of each slide.

b) A PowerPoint presentation with your narration notes for each slide in the notes section of each slide, with recorded audio narration embedded. This file can be saved and uploaded as a single PowerPoint (.pptx) file.

c) A PowerPoint presentation with narration notes for each slide in the notes section of each slide, plus a separate actual recorded presentation saved as an mp4 file. This can be a video of you presenting this to a real or simulated audience using any videorecording device (digital camera, mobile phone, etc.). You will need to upload 2 files: your PowerPoint presentation slides (with speaker notes) and your mp4 video file.

Note: If your file size is large (ie greater than 10MB), you may have difficulties uploading it onto Blackboard. As an alternative, you may upload your presentation into a Dropbox, or to YouTube, and just submit the link.

Your completed assessment is to be submitted via the online Blackboard system in the place provided within the Assessment One folder.

Please ensure you include an ECU Cover Page, Title Page, Reference List and your inspection checklist.

Please use the following naming convention for your electronic file: SURNAME_firstname_HST1152_Assessment1.doc

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