Leadership for Quality Effectiveness and Safety in Health Care

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Leadership for Quality Effectiveness and Safety in Health Care

Leadership for Quality Effectiveness and Safety in Health Care

On successful completion of this assessment task students will be able to:

1. Demonstrate and apply knowledge in understanding and improving organisational systems and processes
2. Use appropriate quality tools, techniques and strategies to improve quality and safety
3. Apply leadership, professional communication and interpersonal skills working in partnership with patients, families and carers towards patient

safety and quality
4. Implement and monitor legal and regulatory requirements associated with safety and quality

Identify and critically discuss systems, processes and or infrastructure improvements in your workplace or country that have been developed and

implemented and their effectiveness in improving healthcare quality and safety.

This task requires students to:
• Identify, provide an overview and evidence of, a system, process or infrastructure improvement implemented within the last twelve months.
• Show how leadership, professional communication and interpersonal skills have been applied when working in partnership with patients, families and

carers and contributed towards patient safety and quality as part of this project.
• State how legal and regulatory requirements associated with safety and quality have been implemented and monitored
• Ensure you adequately and appropriately define and describe all major terms, including ‘systems,’ ‘quality processes,’ ‘infrastructure

improvements’ and ‘effectiveness’ (including identifying the criteria used to evaluate effectiveness in relation to quality and safety outcomes).
• Carefully read and understand the essay topic, student directions and the Essay Marking Criteria provided to assist you in the construction your

• The work is to be structured as a formal essay, with a relevant introduction, body of work, and conclusion, with no headings or subheadings. The

work is to be written at an acceptable academic level and scholarly style and in the third person. Note that use of pronouns is to be avoided.
• Adequately and appropriately use recent (i.e. from 2007) peer reviewed, academic, research /evidence-based journal articles, (preferably from

quality & safety, nursing management and leadership publications) to adequately support critical evaluation and discussion

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