
Attachment theory (Solomon & George, 1999) has become a prominent theory for explaining and predicting parent-child bonding patterns.
August 7, 2017
August 7, 2017
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MargaretVorndam,M.S. Version42-0070-00-01

Lab Report Assistant  

Thisdocumentisnotmeanttobeasubstitute foraformallaboratoryreport.TheLabReport Assistantissimplyasummaryoftheexperiment’squestions,diagramsifneeded,anddatatables thatshouldbeaddressedinaformallabreport.Theintentistofacilitatestudents’writingoflab reports by providing this informationin an editable filewhich can be sent to an instructor.



A. How are pigs and humans similar?

B.  Howarepigsandhumansdifferent?Whatanatomicalpartsdidyoufindonthepigthatare not present on a human?

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C.  Why are both pigs and humans classifiedas mammals?

D. Why don’t pigs and humans share the same order?

E.  To what mammalian order does each of the following animals belong?

Organism Order Organism Order
Cats Bears Rhinoceros Moles

Voles Manatee Guinea Pigs Hedgehog Pikas

  Baboons Cows Deer Goats Whales Sloths Capybara Pigs

Fruit bats


Laboratory Summary    

What have you learned from doing this laboratory that you did not know before you began it?

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