Introduction to Information System’s class?

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Introduction to Information System’s class?

Introduction to Information System’s class?

Paper instructions:
Isn’t this a topic for my BINF2321, Introduction to Information System’s class? Thinking machines!? Well, it is and we typically explore decision support systems, artificial intelligence (AI), algorithms, fuzzy logic (yes, that is a topic in that field!).  and do this during Week 4 as well! So, if you still need that course, remember this discussion thread and see how we explore this topic from the information systems’ perspective!

First, let’s scan the chapter and select any special terms or concepts presented. Define them using either the text or another source of two. This will help us wade into this topic slowly and carefully.

Select one item and summarize it for the class so that we understand the philosophical perspective and how philosophy uses the term and concept.

Just when we thought we may have covered enough material on this subject, the authors invite us to explore this topic of Body and Mind. First, let’s scan the chapter and select any special terms or concepts presented. Define them using either the text or another source of two. This will help us wade into this topic slowly and carefully. Remember the point that I suggest to all and that is, post early and often. Let’s start the week with comments and questions as we read part or all of the chapter for the first time and before you attempt a second or third reading, create a note for the discussion thread, even if it is one seeking clarification or explanation.

Select one item and summarize it for the class so that we understand the philosophical perspective and how philosophy uses the term and concept.

Then, we can explore what its importance is and how to apply it and critique it.

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