The report should follow the outline below:
I. Introduction: (One paragraph) What is the basic theoretical question or concern of the research? This might include a statement of a particular theory being examined or a statement or particular theories being compared and a statement of the hypothesis being tested or a statement of expected results.
II. Method: (One to three paragraphs) What subjects or organisms are being tested? What is the basic form of experimental test being used?
III. Results and Conclusions: (Summarize briefly, one to two paragraphs) What are the basic findings of the experiment and how do they relate to the theoretical concerns and hypotheses in the introduction?
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IV. Your Reactions: (Three to Five full paragraphs) What is your reaction to what you read?
Your reaction should address several of the following questions: A) Did you find it interesting? (Specify why or why not) B) Do you see how it relates to what you have studied in class? C) Were you able to understand the paper? If not, what did you not understand? D) Do you agree with the authors’ conclusions about their research? (Specify why or why not) E) If you were the researcher, what might you have done differently? F) What questions do you have that were left unanswered by the paper?
Note: This section should be YOUR reaction; do not re-summarize the results here.
Each of these sections (except for Part IV) can be brief and the statements should include only the basic points, not all of the specific details. If a section is missing or does not adequately meet the requirements, you will be asked to revise your paper before credit will be granted. Students often need to expand Section IV in particular, so please make sure it is at least 3 FULL paragraphs
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