Integrated Marketing Communication and the Marketing Approach

Discuss the following scenario
August 7, 2017
Management Task Analysis in course Operations Management
August 7, 2017
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Integrated Marketing Communication and the Marketing Approach

Integrated Marketing Communication and the Marketing Approach” Please respond to the following:

Consider the traditional definition of marketing and contrast it with integrated marketing communication. Determine what factors led to this change and speculate how the changes impacted business.

From the e-Activity, consider the content of the advertisement you selected and ascertain what marketing approach is best suited for the advertisement. Pretend the intent of this advertisement, as you interpret it, would have been accomplished 15 years ago and discuss what would have been different about the advertisement and why.”Integrated Marketing Communication and the Marketing Approach” Please respond to the following:

Week 1 Discussion 2

“Marketing Strategy ” Please respond to the following:

Reflect on the process of developing a marketing strategy and identify which step would be the most challenging for you to accomplish and what can be done to mitigate this challenge.

Using the Promotional Process Model and steps in developing a marketing strategy, revise the model adding one additional component that establishes significance of the most important component of the marketing strategy. Discuss the component you highlighted in the model and its significance to the integrated approach of marketing.

Week 2 Discussion 1

“The Team” Please respond to the following:

Evaluate the role of the various players in the integrated marketing process and how these roles make integrated communication possible. Discuss if integrated marketing communication would work in all types of organizations.

Consider each of these roles and identify which one you deem to be the most important role and which role you would like to fill if you could within your firm. Provide a rationale with your response.

Week 2 Discussion 2

“To Buy Or Not to Buy” Please respond to the following:

Reflect upon a time when you purchased an expensive item. Discuss the factors that led you to make the decision to purchase this item and how you felt pre- and post-purchase. Assess how well the psychological process explored in this text aligns with what you experienced. Ascertain how, if at all, the hierarchy of needs (Maslow’s) was satisfied for you with this purchase.

Based on the factors that led to your decision to purchase the item you shared above, complete the following sentence. If the marketing advisors would have been done ______ differently, I would have not purchased the item. Explain your response.

Week 3 Discussion 1

“The Messenger ” Please respond to the following:

Assume you have a product you need to create an advertisement for. Using the first four components of the communication model, create an advertisement for the product. Provide a written explanation for each component. Provide a graphical presentation for this advertisement. Be sure to identify what the product is.

Online students should review classmates’ posts and on-ground students can respond in class to the following: Speculate who the receiver or decoder of the advertisement is likely to be. In addition, identify one area of improvement for the advertisement and one where the student did very well using terminology and concepts discussed in the textbook.

Week 3 Discussion 2

“Major Factors ” Please respond to the following:

Present an argument that supports one of the following factors of the communication process that you deem to be the most significant in integrated marketing communication ? the source, the message, or the channel. Based on what you identified to be the most significant factor, discuss the implications to you as a decision maker on advertisements.

From the e-Activity, using the concepts you have studied up to this point, reconstruct the message of the ad you selected. Discuss how your revision improves upon the original. Start the discussion with a brief description of the advertisement.

Week 4 Discussion 1

“Budget Matters ” Please respond to the following:

Analyze what specific objectives you as a marketer would establish for advertising and promotion. Determine what criteria would need to be met in order for the objectives to be considered valid. Discuss one major issue that marketers are faced with when establishing a marketing budget and how it can be properly addressed.

Distinguish between S-shaped response model and the rapidly diminishing returns model. Then, indicate what this means to a marketer. Determine what type of product(s) is best used for each and how a marketer can plan.

Week 4 Discussion 2

“The International Market ” Please respond to the following:

Consider the fact that many multinational companies (MNC) are expanding into China and assess whether you would make the same decisions if you were the leader of an MNC. Analyze the factors that led to your decision.

Generate three criteria you would use to help you identify cultural variables that marketers must consider in developing advertising and promotional programs. Select one of the variables and discuss how the variable can create a problem or challenge for your company, and what you would do to mitigate the issue.

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