Informative Abstract/ Executive Summary

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Informative Abstract/ Executive Summary

Informative Abstract/ Executive Summary

It is basically a succinct, high-level summary of the major findings of your report. (Ask yourself: what’s the main purpose of my paper? What was my methodology? What are my major findings and conclusions?)

1. Reason for writing

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What is the importance of the research? Why would a reader be interested in the larger work?
2. Problem
What subject does the report attempt to describe, or to solve? What is the scope of the project? What is the main argument/thesis/claim?
3. Methodology
What types of evidence were used in the research?
4. Results
What are the major findings of the report?
5. Implications
What changes or recommendations does the report support?

Think of this event as a Global Sustainability Symposium and that you are the invited expert in your subject area: you are here to present the results of your research to your colleagues. What will they want to know?

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