Software Engineering
- Please answer all questions including diagrams directly in this document, and leave all questions intact. Submit a single word document only. [NOTE: Failure to follow this rule will result in an automatic deduction of 5% off of your final exam grade.]
- No assumptions but if you use any, make sure you specify it.
- No handwritten drawings or photos
- There are hints in each section to get you started – use them!
Part 1: Testing
Part 1A – In your own words describe unit, integration, regression and system testing. (4 pts) Explain how they are related. (6 pts)
Part 1B – The following class diagram shown below (also available via this link – models a generic online shopping cart.
For this class diagram clearly define:
- 8 unit tests (8 x 2pts = 16 pts)
- 6 integration tests (6 x 2 pts = 12 pts)
- 1 system test (1 x 2pts = 2 pts)
Part I Hints:
- For each test make sure to provide a goal for the test along with the expected result(s).
- Remember to test that your system passes when it should AND fails when it should.
- Make sure to describe how your system tests should be run.
- Make sure you answered ALL parts to each question!