In your own words describe unit, integration, regression and system testing and explain how they are related.

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In your own words describe unit, integration, regression and system testing and explain how they are related.

Software Engineering


  1. Please answer all questions including diagrams directly in this document, and leave all questions intact. Submit a single word document only.  [NOTE: Failure to follow this rule will result in an automatic deduction of 5% off of your final exam grade.]
  2. No assumptions but if you use any, make sure you specify it.
  3. No handwritten drawings or photos
  4. There are hints in each section to get you started – use them!

Part 1:  Testing


Part 1A – In your own words describe unit, integration, regression and system testing. (4 pts)  Explain how they are related. (6 pts)



Part 1B – The following class diagram shown below (also available via this link – models a generic online shopping cart.

For this class diagram clearly define:

  • 8 unit tests (8 x 2pts = 16 pts)
  • 6 integration tests (6 x 2 pts = 12 pts)
  • 1 system test (1 x 2pts = 2 pts)


Part I Hints:

  1. For each test make sure to provide a goal for the test along with the expected result(s).
    1. Remember to test that your system passes when it should AND fails when it should.
  2. Make sure to describe how your system tests should be run.
  3. Make sure you answered ALL parts to each question!

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