In addition to biographies, these papers are also strictly off-limits: broad, general overviews of a literary period or movement; “catalogs” that simply list an author’s works without providing any interpretation; papers that cover a subject other than literature; papers that simply summarize or describe the content of the literary work.Secondary Sources for Scholarly Criticism Remember that you must cite a minimum of five (5) articles or books that offer scholarly criticism on the work(s) you have selected.

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In addition to biographies, these papers are also strictly off-limits: broad, general overviews of a literary period or movement; “catalogs” that simply list an author’s works without providing any interpretation; papers that cover a subject other than literature; papers that simply summarize or describe the content of the literary work.Secondary Sources for Scholarly Criticism Remember that you must cite a minimum of five (5) articles or books that offer scholarly criticism on the work(s) you have selected.

Paper Length and Format The research paper should be approximately 6-7 pages in length not counting the works-cited page. The paper should be double-spaced, in 12-point Arial or Times New Roman font, with margins of 1 inch. Since the research paper measures in part how well you can develop a longer paper, the length requirement is important. The research paper will be reduced by 10 percent (one letter grade) if the final draft is less than 6 full pages; papers less than 5 full pages will automatically receive a zero.NOTE: THE PAPER MAY NOT BE A SIMPLE BIOGRAPHY DEALING EXCLUSIVELY WITH THE AUTHOR’S LIFE AND SIMPLY LISTING HIS/HER WORKS. Anything you include about the author’s life should be clearly related to your critical interpretation of the work(s). In addition to biographies, these papers are also strictly off-limits: broad, general overviews of a literary period or movement; “catalogs” that simply list an author’s works without providing any interpretation; papers that cover a subject other than literature; papers that simply summarize or describe the content of the literary work.Secondary Sources for Scholarly Criticism Remember that you must cite a minimum of five (5) articles or books that offer scholarly criticism on the work(s) you have selected. Do not depend solely upon online sources. Primary works are not secondary sources and do not count in your five. You will need to use a variety of sources, including books and journal articles. The following are unacceptable to count as your five secondary sources: • Encyclopedias (including Wikipedia), dictionaries, and other general reference materials • Sparknotes, Cliff Notes, and Monarch Notes, Shmoop, Enotes and other study aids  • Book reviews from sites like GoodReads, Barnes and Noble, Amazon • Non-academic websites such as blogs, discussion forums, etc. You may use the above sources and you must document them if you do; however, remember they do not count in your five secondary sources.Your thesis statement should make an intelligent, interpretive judgment that expresses your unique perspective. It should present a point that can be debated and is not immediately obvious.Paper MUST be in MLA format. 

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Write 2 pages-at least four academic sources-a description of how each reference supports the project and why you chose this resource to support written handbook-academic references (no wikis, no and no sources)-academic sources include those followed by .org, .gov.
August 7, 2017
For this homework you will write a two-page letter to a specific audience, showing that you understand their position. When choosing your audience, you should consider who might disagree with you and then single out a particular person. Perhaps you want to write to elementary school teachers about the value of recess for young students. Choose a teacher from your past–someone who kept you inside for recess when you misbehaved, for instance–as an audience for your letter.
August 7, 2017