Implementing Bloom’s Taxonomy

Kritios Boy, c. 480 B.C.E.
August 7, 2017
August 7, 2017
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Implementing Bloom’s Taxonomy

â?¢Select a topic within a subject you teach or would like to teach â?¢Create a general lesson plan that describes the topic, materials, and methods.

â?¢Delineate the topic by creating five learning objectives.
â?¢Based on each objective, create two questions that will probe student understanding and knowledge of the topic.
Select a level (or levels) from Bloom’s taxonomy that can be assigned to each question and write the question so that it elicits that kind of knowledge contained in the level selected.Do this for the two questions for each of the five objectives. This totals 10 questions in all.
do not need to include all of Bloom’s levels, but various levels need to be selected.
For each question that you design, you will need to predict two possible answers. Answers can include correct responses, errors that represent guesses, errors that represent misunderstanding, and blank looks. Include the answers in your project.
After each answer, indicate what course of action should be taken by the teacher immediately and/or long-term. Alternative actions could include, but are not limited to, the teacher making changes in techniques, materials, or the pace of the lesson.
should be formatted where each question, its associated answers, and contingent teacher actions are nearby each objective. A table would be a good idea along with additional explanations found in associated paragraphs.

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