If the primary goal of utilitarianism is to generate the greatest good for the greatest number, a secondary goal is to minimize suffering, discuss the ways in which these two principles are consistent or inconsistent with each other.

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If the primary goal of utilitarianism is to generate the greatest good for the greatest number, a secondary goal is to minimize suffering, discuss the ways in which these two principles are consistent or inconsistent with each other.

  1. If the primary goal of utilitarianism is to generate the greatest good for the greatest number, a secondary goal is to minimize suffering.   Using at least one quote from one of the required readings, discuss the ways in which these two principles are consistent or inconsistent with each other.   If you think they are consistent, provide a real or imagined example that illustrates this consistency.  If you think they are inconsistent, provide a real or imagined example that illustrates this inconsistency.  Complete your post by discussing whether minimizing suffering is equal to, lesser than, or more important that generating the greatest good for the greatest number.
  2. Remember to cite your sources within the text and include a reference page/list at the end of your post. I would like to see at least one source for your initial post, but I would encourage you to try to use more.

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