Identify the steps in developing a research proposal.

dentify and explain what “significance” is in a general sense and in your chosen article. Be sure to discuss the p-value.
August 7, 2017
As a program administrator, you must take into account not only issues relating to the day-to-day care of children, but also the legal and regulatory aspects of the industry. Licensing, zoning laws, building codes, and compliance with labor laws, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, and the Keeping Children and Families Safe Act are important examples of this. In this Discussion, you will consider how, as a program administrator, you might navigate legal and regulatory waters while balancing all of your other important responsibilities.
August 7, 2017
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Identify the steps in developing a research proposal.

Research Problem Proposal

Throughout this course, you will identify the steps in developing a research proposal. You will not be conducting the research or writing a full proposal; however, you will become familiar with the research process itself.

Many steps comprise the research process, but the first step is to determine a topic. You can find a topic through personal or professional interest and that is directed toward solving a problem. For the purpose of this course, you will select one of the eight topics presented below.

• Childhood diabetes

• Alcohol use in adolescents

• Skin cancer in young women

• Cardiovascular disease in the minority population

• Childhood immunizations

• Long-term care for patients with Alzheimer’s disease

• Cultural impact of posttraumatic stress disorder

• Privacy with electronic health records

post a comprehensive response including the following:

• A research topic written as a problem statement

• The purpose of the research, including how the including how the project will further knowledge and extend theory

• Reason for selecting the topic

• Define any terms that may have special meaning to the study itself


Chalkidou, K., Tunis, S., Lopert, R, Rochaix, L., Sawicki, P., Nasser, M., et al. (2009). Comparative effectiveness research and evidence-based health policy: Experience from four countries. Milbank Quarterly, 87(2), 339-367.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

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