Identify how knowledge of human resource planning can assist SFF in achieving their long term business objectives

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Identify how knowledge of human resource planning can assist SFF in achieving their long term business objectives

Identify how knowledge of human resource planning can assist SFF in achieving their long term business objectives

Knowledge of human resource planning can assist SFF in achieving it objective since planning involves research on what activities in place. Planning involve considering if the strategies, policies and processes required to ensure that the value of people and contribution they make to organization, department and team goals lead to achievement of long term objective (Armstrong, 2010)

Employee support on the strategies and policies put by organization in place contribute to high performance which may lead to achievement of business goals thus attracts and retain high quality people with ideas, behaviors and outcomes which will support organization culture and reward people according to their organization values with aim of achieving it long term goals.

SFF as an employer need to research on the market competition and the prestige of its product and put down strategies which can control loss or cost which should be favorable to both consumer and benefit the organization. For effective consistent achievement or improve achievement employer should motivate the employee by rewarding them and offering promotion where on deserve on the quality of work he or she performs. Performance contract should be used to evaluate the employee individual efforts.

SFF should also train its employee and offer competitive package of reward to be flexible in offering the need of diverse workforce to meet the demand of the market of both the employer and employee.

SFF competitive package of reward to employee should employ Leopold technique where jobs specification to employee should be classified into grade s, where each grade had its own job description, and benefits. The grades also should be place in ranks according to responsibilities and skill the employee has toward communication, problem solving or leadership for the successful of the organization.

Organization job specification lead to clear duties and responsibilities which are easily under stood with smooth operation and less blame on who to perform particular task because of clear guideline and improved time management.

SFF family organization on managerial work with open doors of other employee to perform work force which involves different skills and capabilities , maintaining good public relation to attract large number of customers because the organization offer quality food with reasonable prices.

Human resource knowledge enables organizations either sole proprietor or family to have good management, I.e. the management should be put in place to follow the guideline of policies and strategies so that the best can be achieved. The management should involve all the departments in the organization. SFF health and safety should be put there for high quality of food, public relation manager for good customer service.

Human resource knowledge help SFF in: planning, recruitment and selection, designing organization profile, performance management, employee development, employee reward and employee relation. All these departments can be created through human resource knowledge where organization profile involves the flow of command whether it is vertical or horizontal. Performance management involves the outcome of employee performance whether it is poor, average or excellent and the quality of work.

Employee development involves the knowledge and experience of employee, the capabilities and skills obtained from the organization and it will also help them to decide on what need to be improved or removed for employee performance to improve and attract customers.

Employee relation and reward are the most important for success of organization. The reward of employee motivates and improves its performance and through that relation among the same grade staffs and the other staff will be promoted.

Human resource knowledge in summary to SFF will help to create plan for future recruitment, the need to provide training to develop their potential, provide equal opportunities, pay and terms and condition of employment.

In respect of the recruitment of restaurant managers, identify and discuss the key features of an effective job description and person specification

SFF as a family organization with so many extension requires restaurant manager to overlook the activities and demand of the commodity offered by the restaurants. For recruitment of managers to be conducted job analysis has to be done to identify task and skill of the people to be recruited as restaurant managers.

Job description summaries the purpose and task of a manager with responsibility he or she has to undertake to meet the competition in place. Person specifications details the kind of experience, skills and qualification required for job.

SFF restaurant managerial will consider the following factors to requite managers. The organization considered absenteeism of the manager what circumstance it may lead to restaurant and what situation will the restaurant be when the manager is present. Also they will consider the job description to have some relation with assistant employee so that incase of absence the organization will not suffer.

The organization also will put into consideration maternity leave so that it can be equal opportunity, skill base i.e. they consider the place where the employee got the skill and the competence of the skills. Long term sick leave should also be put into consideration since sickness is beyond human control and this are difficulties which organization has to undergo.

Recruitment of manager also retirement has to be considered, in terms of pension, benefits and how many years they have to serve in terms of stability of service.

Assessment of human external supply has to be conducted in terms of labor force availability i.e. how many managers have to be recruited in terms of labor availability and also in terms of the skill the manager who has been recruited have consideration on how many other juniors’ employee to be recruited. They will also consider competition of the market to see if the demand is high they will employ large number for efficiency.

Education and training should be considered for qualification to see if it matches with the requirement because, recruitment of manager with education not related with restaurant, or someone who is not accountable will lead organization to incurred cost of training them. Also if they do not have good public relation the organization will have to train them to increase number of clients attending the restaurant.

Geographic implication also play a role on what is need to be prepared in the restaurant and also consider what are some of the stable food of the place where restaurant is built together with the cost. The cost of food serves should be friendly by considering the status of people living in neighbor hood if their wealth index is high or low.

The restaurant should exercise flexibility during recruitment of manager in terms of rules and skills barriers to enable workers to undertake a variety of jobs and be able to offer different rates for the same work depending on geographical location and skill available.

Performance management should be considered during recruitment of managers considering the state of business if the employed manager should be on full time or part time basis. The factor should be considered in order to maintain a good representation and equal opportunity with payment of different rates to avoid constrain of the organization.

Recruitment of job specification should consider that there is not bias over skin color, religion, belief and sexual orientation but it should provide room for equal opportunity so longest the participant has good grooming and is skilled with competence and have a good will of working toward achieving goal of the organization. Disabilities should also be given opportunity in job description and specialization because disability is not inability.


  1. Armstrong, M.( 2009) Armstrong’s A Handbook of Human Resource Practice : ELECTRONIC BOOK : View Online via LOCATE ;Kogan
  2. Stredwick, J.(2005) An introduction to Human Resource Management; Butterworth-Heinemann
  3. J.(2002) Human resources in Organisation: An Integrated Approach.
  4. P. & Blanchard. (1982) management of organisation behaviour: utilization human resource.
  5. Price, A. (2011) Human Resource Management; Cengage Learning





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