Identify a particular agricultural or food commodity produced in Australia which faces an<br>
agribusiness marketing problem. As an individual, you will prepare a written briefing (report)<br>
on this agribusiness marketing problem and then propose and analyse possible strategies to<br>
resolve the problem.<br>
This briefing should include (1) a clear identification of the current marketing system<br>
relevant to your focus commodity, (2) a concise outline and analysis of the marketing<br>
problem, (3) a proposition of a marketing strategy or a series of policy interventions which<br>
could assist in alleviating the problem facing your focus commodity, and (4) a well<br>
articulated justification of why this proposition would be beneficial for your chosen<br>
You will be assessed on your ability to articulate each of these points with reference to<br>
economic theory, models and/or empirical evidence relevant agribusiness marketing.