How will the energy value chains evolve from now through 2025?Use bullet points or text and the headings provided below.Maximum length for Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 is three pages.Separately, provide a quantitative forecast on the associated spreadsheet. Identify the factors that will determine how the energy value chains will evolve from now through 2025, under the headings below.Use bullet points or text. Weigh the evidence you have gained through the course, and clearly state your prediction for how the value chains will evolve and why under the headings below. The world needs an adequate and reliable supply of affordable energy.What will be the main constraints to reaching this objective between now and 2025? Changes and constraints in the system often bring with them the opportunity forunusually high returns; i.e., economic rent.If you had a large amount of money to invest in the energy economy, what feasible investment would you invest in?Why?