How walkable is your neighborhood? Could people in your neighborhood walk to work or to the grocery store, for example? Are there sidewalks, trails, and parks?

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How walkable is your neighborhood? Could people in your neighborhood walk to work or to the grocery store, for example? Are there sidewalks, trails, and parks?

Attach your finished checklist.

Now, post a discussion about your community’s walkability, using the following list of questions as a guide.

  • How walkable is your neighborhood? Could people in your neighborhood walk to work or to the grocery store, for example? Are there sidewalks, trails, and parks?
  • How bike-friendly is your neighborhood?  Are there designated paths or lanes?  Who is riding bikes?
  • How else does your neighborhood encourage walking? (Take into consideration elements such as pedestrian malls, farmers markets, tree lawns, and parks. Don’t be limited by this list!)

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