How does this impact American culture, government and politics in your opinion?

You are a judge who believes that individuals should be allowed to choose when to die.You personally had to watch both your parents die long and agonizing deaths because your state does not have a right-to-die statute. Before you is a doctor who is being prosecuted for giving a lethal dose of morphine to a patient dying of terminal cancer. The family of the patient did not want the prosecution, the majority of the public is not in favor of the prosecution, but the prosecutor believes that if there is a law in place, it should be enforced. The doctor has opted for a bench trial.
August 7, 2017
Explain Platos theory of Forms.
August 7, 2017
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How does this impact American culture, government and politics in your opinion?

Explain the differences between Liberalism and Conservatism. Does ideology really make a difference in the United States today? Support your reasoning with examples. How does this impact American culture, government and politics in your opinion? You will be expected to support your discussion with primary texts and from pre-approved secondary sources (including, but not limited to the course text, online lectures, and a list of suggested online resources). Your paper should be 6 pages in length and include proper APA citation.


Assignment Criteria to follow

Provide an overview of the differences between Liberalism and Conservativism.

Explain whether ideology makes a difference between Liberalism and Conservativism in the United States and supported your reasoning with examples.

Support your opinion of whether ideology impacts American culture, government, and politics.

Use appropriate primary texts and pre-approved secondary sources to support your response.

Use correct grammar and spelling.

Conform to APA citation and page length guidelines (6 pages).



No PLAGIARISM, cite references 100% authentic

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