1Extra: How does Groupon NOT “measure ourselves in conventional ways”? Is it good or bad for CEOs? For managers? (1-page, due 10/17)
From An option portfolio theory, why does failure could be important part of a set of opportunities? How can this theory be applied in lean startup
2Extra: watch the video: Community Builder: The Life & Legacy of J.C. Nichols (30 M), answer this question (2 points, due Nov. 5): What is business model of J.C. Nichols on Country Club Plaza
3Extra: How to regulate these markets?
Jean Tirole, Nobel Award
1.Read the start-up story of WeWork. How did the founders apply the lean principles (which you learned in this class) ?
2.Describe the nine blocks of business model of WeWork.
3.Recall Henry Bloch’s start-up process in 1950s-1960s. What are the principles which helped Henry build “the business of business” in scaling up?
1.Read the start-up story of WhatsApp. How did the founders apply the lean principles (which you learned in this class) ?
2. Describe the nine blocks of business model of WhatsApp. What is key assumption of its business model?
3. Recall Henry Bloch’s start-up process in 1950s-1960s. What are the principles which helped Henry build “the business of business” in scaling up?