.How do you feel about what you see?

Summarize the part of the author’s argument that will analyze State a possible objection to the argument consider a reply to your objection and explain either why that reply succeeds or fails.
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.How do you feel about what you see?

rst watch the movie called Tsotsi, directed by Gavin Hood 2005.
1.How do you feel about what you see?
2. What do you agree or disagree with?
3.Can you identify with the situation?
4.What would be the best way to evaluate the story?
5.What you think of it (Tip: You have to have a theory about what the work means to provide focus for your research and analysis. You don’t have to say everything possible about the work: be guided by what interests you most, which might change as you do research. Be prepared to wander and explore a bit).
6. What the thing is
7. What its parts are (words, punctuation, literary techniques or devices)
8. What those parts are used for and how they’re put together (structure, patterns, and themes)
9. Who made it, and the influence of that person’s beliefs and ideology on his/her work (Tip: Don’t guess, assume, or psychoanalyze.)
10. Where and when it was made, and the interplay of that context and the thing itself
11. Who its original audience might have been and what they thought of it
12. What you think of it (Did your research confirm or disprove your theory? Now what do you think the work means? Who cares?)

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