How did the appearance of buildings change from the fourteenth through the seventeenth centuries? Do you see any commonalities between types of structures residential, sacred, civic) when you view examples of each from across thesecenturies?

Weekly tasks or assignments (Individual or Group Projects) will be due by Monday and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy found in the syllabus. NOTE: All submission posting times are based on midnight Central Time. In economics, they say a picture is worth a thousand words. Below, you will find two scenarios. Your assignment is to discuss the situation by writing the solutions, and then show the solutions and how you got here in one or more graphs or flowcharts.
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An interesting example of strategic behavior comes from a 1997 article about Microsoft’s investment in Apple (New Straits Times, 1997)
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How did the appearance of buildings change from the fourteenth through the seventeenth centuries? Do you see any commonalities between types of structures residential, sacred, civic) when you view examples of each from across thesecenturies?

How did the appearance of buildings change from the fourteenth through the seventeenth centuries? Do you see any commonalities between types of structures residential, sacred, civic) when you view examples of each from across thesecenturies?

Are there important differences that emerge
in building design and ornamentation over these years?

Project instructions:
Provide an answer of 300 to 350 words for each question. Be as specific as possible when you discuss the works themselves in support of your arguments. Pick any three questions from 1 through 4. Question 5 must be answered.

1) How did the appearance of buildings change from the fourteenth through the seventeenth centuries? Do you see any commonalities between types of structures residential, sacred, civic) when you view examples of each from across these
centuries? Are there important differences that emerge
in building design and ornamentation over these years?
First, explain the significant changes or commonalities that you see, and then discuss three architectural examples that illustrate your argument(s).

2) If you were asked to characterize the many
kinds of painting that we have seen so far this semester, would your focus be on the medium (oil, tempera, fresco), on where the works appeared (churches, residences, civic buildings), or rather on the images themselves (what was depicted, and how)? Discuss what you believe is the best approach to understanding the variety of different kinds of painting that we have studied so far, and be sure to include at least three specific examples to support your argument.

3) Are there important differences in the ways in which paintings and prints, portable objects,
sculptures, and buildings relate to their surrounding spaces and to their viewers? Do they share anything in common? Be as specific as possible and discuss at least three examples to prove your point(s.)

4) We have studied artists who were prolific in more than one medium. Of these, Michelangelo is undoubtedly the most famous. Do you think that his work in one medium in particular was stronger than the others, or rather would you say that his efforts across the media mutually supported his artistic development and strengthened his
capabilities? Discuss three specific examples in support of your opinion.

5) First, write your own question, and then answer it. What would you ask of the variety of works that we have studied so far this semester? What strike you as ideas that you would like to explore further? How would you like to continue your exploration of these idea

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