How can you effectively apply this integrative technique? What are the commonalities between your conflicting insights? Can the commonalities be found in the theories, concepts, or assumptions of the conflicting insights?

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How can you effectively apply this integrative technique? What are the commonalities between your conflicting insights? Can the commonalities be found in the theories, concepts, or assumptions of the conflicting insights?

Capstone Milestone

Now that you have selected the appropriate integrative technique(s) best suited for your conflicting insights, you are now charged with the task of creating or discovering common ground between them. Accomplishing this step marks a turning point that leads the way to successfully completing the last few steps in the Repko Model of Interdisciplinary Research. Think back to Albert Einstein’s quote at the beginning of this week: “In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.” This may be the most challenging assignment for you this week, but it comes with the greatest rewards once you have completed it.

It is highly recommended that you visit the optional Refining Your Project Discussion area found within the Revisions button below Week 6 to help you revise and refine this step of your project. While participation in this Discussion is not graded, it is a useful resource and will strengthen your Capstone Project.

Questions about this assignment? Post them in the Contact the Instructor area. That way, everyone in the class will see and benefit from the Instructor’s response.

To prepare for this Application:

•Review the assigned pages in Chapters 4 and 11 in the course text, Interdisciplinary Research: Process and Theory.

•Review the interactive animation of Repko’s Interdisciplinary Research Model to apply the Repko step that relates to this assignment.

•View the interview with Dr. June Maul and Dr. Farideh Mohajer regarding the strategies for creating common ground.

•Review your identified integrative technique(s) from the Discussion assignment for this week. How can you effectively apply this integrative technique? What are the commonalities between your conflicting insights? Can the commonalities be found in the theories, concepts, or assumptions of the conflicting insights?

The assignment:

•Compose a 2- to 3-page evaluation of how you created or discovered common ground between your conflicting insights. Include answers to the following questions:

◦What are the conflicts between the insights and their sources?

◦Where do the common-ground integrators occur (theories, concepts, and/or assumptions)?

◦Which integrative technique did you choose to apply?

◦What common ground did you create or discover by applying the integrative technique to the conflicting insights?

Be sure to correctly cite all resources used for your analysis in proper APA format.

Submit your Capstone Milestone by Day 7. In order to receive full credit, all assignments are due on time. Should you encounter an unanticipated and uncontrollable life event that may prevent you from meeting an assignment deadline, contact the Instructor immediately to request an extension. Your Instructor’s contact information is in the Instructor area. For a full description of the late policy, please refer to the “Policies on Late Assignments” section of your Syllabus.

Please proceed to the PPGP.

. Project Turnitin – Week 3 .

To submit your completed Project for Turnitin review and grading, do the following:

Click the View/Complete link. Then click the Submit button next to the name of the Assignment. Once you have clicked on the link, scroll down and choose the appropriate paper item submission method from the drop down menu and fill in the remaining required fields. (Please use the naming convention “WK3Proj+last name+first initial” as the Submission Title.)

Next, click on the Browse button. Find the document you saved as “WK3Proj+last name+first initial.doc” and click Open. Then click on the Upload button at the bottom of the page. You will then see a screen where you may review your submission. Once you have finished reviewing your submission, click on the Submit button. Finally, you will see a screen that will indicate your paper was submitted successfully.


•Course Text: Interdisciplinary Research: Process and Theory

◦Chapter 4, “Introducing the Disciplines” (pp. 93–104)

◦Chapter 11, “Creating Common Ground Between Concepts” (pp. 321–354)

Chapter 3 clarifies how different academic disciplines organize, utilize, and create knowledge, and will be used in this week’s Capstone Milestone assignment. Chapter 11 covers techniques that help create commonalities between conflicting insights, and will be used in this week’s Discussion and Capstone Milestone.


◦Creating Goals

◾The Top 10 Steps to Set and Achieve Your Goals – every time!

◾Creating S.M.A.R.T. Goals

These websites will be useful guides as you create personal and professional goals for the PPGP assignment.

◦APA Style

◾APA General Format

◾APA Research Style Crib Sheet

Review these websites for proper APA style for Week 3 assignments.


•Integrated Model of the Interdisciplinary Research Process Map

This Flash-based animation will allow you to make choices at each step of the Repko Model of Interdisciplinary Research that will demonstrate how that step works and relates to other elements in the Interdisciplinary Research process. This model will be used in all of the Capstone Milestone assignments.

•Video: Laureate Education (Producer). (n.d.). Using an interdisciplinary approach to reveal disciplinary insights [Video file]. Retrieved from

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 13 minutes.

In this interview, Dr. June Maul and Dr. Farideh Mohajer explore the concept of discovering insights and offer concrete methods for identifying insights and differentiating insights from information that is simply interesting. Finally, they suggest tactics for dealing with conflicts between insights.

Accessible player–Downloads–Download Video w/CCDownload Audio

Optional Resources

•Course Text: Essential guide to APA style for Walden students

◦Chapter 3, “Following APA Editorial Style Guide” (pp. 39–59)

◦Chapter 4, “Preparing the Reference List and In-Text Citations” (pp. 60–7 2)

◦Chapter 5, “Citing Periodicals” (pp. 74–81)

◦Chapter 6, “Citing Books and Other Separately Published Materials” (pp. 82–9 5)

◦Chapter 8, “Citing Electronic Sources” (pp. 102–112)

These chapters are useful resources to accurately cite sources in all course assignments.

Please make sure that you follow the instruction for

this project

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