All written material for this class should use 12pt Times New Roman font and have 1 inch margins on all sides. Your response papers should be AT LEAST 2 pages double spaced and no more than 3 pages. All response papers should be submitted to i-learn before 9:59pm on Sundays and should be in .doc or .docx format. Your weekly responses papers should begin with a paragraph that introduces the readings and discusses how all the articles intersect and relate to each other. This paragraph should introduce the paper. It should include the authors OR titles of articles. Please do not include both, you will waist space on a 2-page double spaced paper. Most importantly this paragraph should discuss how the articles intersect and relate to each other. ?This is worth .5 of 4 points. (AGAIN… Do the math: If you don’t do this correctly or are not able to articulate how the articles interrelate, this will bring your grade down to a 87.5/100 or 3.5/4) Your content paragraphs should summarize each article. For example if there are 3 articles, you should write 3 separate paragraphs for each article. Each content paragraph should begin (first sentence) with an articulation of the main argument/main point for each reading. The following (second sentence) should list/discuss the type of information (sexology texts, drag performance, HIV/AIDs discourse, people, disciplines, poems, etc.) or analysis (theoretical, ethnographic, etc.) that was used by the author. The last portion of each content paragraph (third or fourth sentences) should highlight one or two examples of how the author succeeded in defending their argument. (Each paragraph is worth 1 point or less depending on the amount of readings assigned) Finally the concluding paragraph of your 2-page response paper should include your personal opinion/reflection. I do not want you to restate the interrelation between the articles; I want to know what you think! This last paragraph should NOT attempt to solve the problems/issues examined in the readings. For example, please do not write, “If only we were more open minded could we live equally.” (Your personal reflection is worth .5 points). Do not use the concluding sentence of your response paper as your blog post. Please try not to turn in papers that are more than two pages long. It’s okay if you couldn’t fit it in 2 pages, but try to fit your work into two pages and never more than 3 pages.