Complete the outline of Paper #1. The outline will consist of seven paragraphs or sections. The sections only need to be a few sentences each. This assignment is just to help you brainstorm. The outline itself will not be graded, but you will get feedback on it. Be prepared to share this with your classmates in class, If the outline is not handed in, you will get a 0 for this assignment.
The required sections are:
1. Your topic
2. The problem you have identified within the main topic
3. The stakeholders in this issue
4. The approaches that have been tried/considered
5, Were these approaches effective, or will they be effective. In your opinion? Why or why not?
6. Solution(s) that you suggest and why/how you came up with the idea(s).
7. What you learned about the topic through research that you were not previously aware of.
If you are unsure of how to complete this assignment, please feel free to email me or text my cell. I would hate for anyone to lose credit for this assignment.