Food Analysis and Quality Assurance

Cohen, A., et al. (2012). Our Environment, Our Health: A Community-Based Participatory Environmental Health Survey in Richmond, California. Health, Education, & Behavior, 39(2), 198-209.
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Food Analysis and Quality Assurance

HSN104: Food Analysis and Quality Assurance
Practical Report Rubric (Assignments 1 & 2)
The purpose of this assignment is to present research findings (from a practical class) in a scientific manner, and demonstrate understanding of the principles of the analytical methods used in food analysis for the preparation of nutrition labels. This rubric will be used to identify your level of achievement and corresponding mark, and also to provide feedback to you about how you may improve.
Supporting Resources:
You will be given an oral presentation within one of the first lectures on how to write a journal article. This will be supplemented with a pdf file on CloudDeakin, outlining the different sections of the report and how each should be addressed. Videos on how to perform a literature search will also be provided on CloudDeakin, with an emphasis on finding high quality resources. Within the laboratory manual, you will be given a series of questions to be addressed within the report.

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You will also be required to watch a series of videos, provided through CloudDeakin and related to the practical content. This will ensure you have a general understanding of the practical class before entering the laboratory.
Learning Outcomes:
You will demonstrate that you have achieved these outcomes through the writing of your practical report in the format of a journal article (based on the Food Chemistry format).
? ULO1 Understand the concepts of food composition, food safety, food preservation and product development in the area of food science, through research and report writing.
? ULO2 Undertake food analysis and develop a food nutritional table, in practical class.
? ULO3 Argue the importance of laboratory safety, representative sampling and methods used to assess food composition, as completed in laboratory report.
? ULO4 Demonstrate the ability to work in a laboratory relevant to the food industry, as demonstrated in practical class.
? ULO5 Exhibit the ability to work effectively as part of a team, as demonstrated in practical class.
? ULO6 Collect and evaluate a variety of scientific literature, through writing of laboratory report.

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