Familial defective Apolipoprotein B-100

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Familial defective Apolipoprotein B-100

Familial defective Apolipoprotein B-100

1-Sample from a student (contains several pages (scanned (jpg) (not word document), numbered with number and letter ex 1E, 2E … etc).
P stands for page No. for example p 2E means page number 2E.
2- A file called A Robust Strategy for Screning and Confirmation of Familal Defective… TTHIS file MUST be used as one SOURCE and TO be added with other sources (mainly

use this source in addition to other sources.

I need my report structure to be in the same way as the sample structure (but not copying the same text, i.e. paraphrase every things, add new info (if required), new

structure if you like but be close to this structure.

1- Introduction (see sample page 2E and do the same introduction (I mean same info but DIFFERENT SOURCES EXCEPT THE MAMOTTE SOURCE (A Robust Strategy for Screning and

Confirmation of Familal Defective). And please be within the context of the sample introduction. Also you may need to extend some info ( Maximum of 3-4 lines) If you

2- Aim (p 2E) do it the same but with CAREFULL Paraphrasing.
1- Materials and methods (p 2E) do it in the same way as the sample BUT with CAREFULL Paraphrasing. And for the table in the same page, just draw the table (include

only text, No numbers) (NO PARAPHRASE).
3- Week 2 (p 3E) (the FIRST 5 lines ) Just Paraphrase it carefully From the sample with taking care of the scientific words ex (B1/ARG … etc) not to be changed.
4- Week 2 (p 3E) (the next lines 6,7,8 and 9 (i.e starting with the word INITIALIAZATION ) Just copy it the same (NO PARAPHRASE).
5- Week 2 (p 3E) (the next lines 10,11,12 and 13 (i.e starting with The word AFTER) do it in the same way as the sample BUT with CAREFULL Paraphrasing
6- Figure 1 (p 3E) (the flow chart) Just copy it the same with changing the structure (I mean use circles instead of the squares or any things you suggest).
7- Week 3 (p 3E) do it in the same way as the sample BUT with CAREFULL Paraphrasing.
8- Results (p 3E) Just copy it the same (NO PARAPHRASE).
9- On page 4E , LEAVE blank space for figure 2, and just copy figure 2 key the same.
10- On page 4E ( the 4 line before the Discussion i.e from the line that starts with the words OUR OBTAINED) do it in the same way as the sample BUT with CAREFULL

11- DISCUSSION (THE MOST IMPORTANT PART (EQUAL 60%) (p 4E and p 5E) (NEED IT MORE STRONGER THAN THE SAMPLE ONE) here just see the sample and do it in the SAME way

(WITH careful paraphrasing + paying attention to in text references (2 references ARE ENOUGH along with THE MAMOTTE SOURCE (A Robust Strategy for Screning and

Confirmation of Familal Defective) which is the main source that must be used. And please the new reference/s should say the same info. i.e. LINKING FINDINGS TO INFO.

Also please take care of the scientific words ex (pcr primer, bands, digestion … etc) not to be changed.
12- References List (p 5E) Simply put your references (Please I need at least 6) Vancouver Style . i.e. You may use one from sample reference list. And please not to

forget to use THE MAMOTTE SOURCE (A Robust Strategy for Screning and Confirmation of Familal Defective) along with other sources.

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