Faculty Painting
Chicano style articles from a database
Faculty Painting Outline
- Introduction (1page)
- – Thesis statement
- – Introduce topic
- Philosophy (2.5 pages) 1899-1907
- – Analysis of painting
- – Reason to why painting was not displayed (Critics were disturbed by its depiction of men and women drifting in an aimless trace. )
- Medicine (25pages) 1899-1907
- – Analysis of painting
- – Reason to why painting was not displayed link to the analysis of painting
- Jurisprudence (25pages)
- – Analysis of painting 1899-1907
- – Reason to why painting was not displayed analysis of painting
- Conclusion (1.5pages)
- – Restate thesis statement
- – Summaries all three painting
- – Conclude “ reason why all these painting were destroyed”