There is no min. word limit, you don’t have to write tons of word. Hit the point is very important!
August 7, 2017
arguments of Pojman and Hettinger.
August 7, 2017
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For extra credit in this course, you may choose one from each of the following categories.  Make sure to include your full name and your class meeting time on anything that you turn in, or you will receive no credit.

Category I: Write a book report (maximum 12 points)

You may choose one of the following books:

1. Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neil Postman

2. Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man by Marshall McLuhan

3. No Logo by Naomi Klein

4.  The Search by John Battelle

5.  Everything Bad Is Good for You: How Today’s Popular Culture Is Actually Making Us Smarter by Steven Johnson

6. Program or Be Programmed by Doug Rushkoff

To get full credit, read the entire book, then write a paper no longer than one page, exploring two themes that the book deals with.  Use examples from throughout the book in your writing.  Your Category I project must result in a paper that you turn in; no emails will be accepted. Due April 14.

Category II: Attend one or two on-campus performances (maximum 20 points.)

       You may choose the following for 10 points apiece, and you may attend a total of two presentations.

1. Tuesday, March 4, 2014.  6:00-7:30pm.  Speech Showcase.  Science Hall. ($4 sugg. donation)

2. Tuesday, March 18, 2014.  6:00-7:25pm. Readers Theater Showcase. Science Hall. ($4 sugg. donation)
To get full credit, attend the performance and retain your “proof of attendance” slip. Turn it in to me.  Due no later than March 20. In order to get in, it is recommended that you arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the event to wait in line.

Category III: Performance and broadcasting (maximum 10 points)

       You may choose one of the following options:

1. Write 2-3 minutes of funny stuff, to be performed by you.  (Be creative!  Use your talents. A magic show? Comedy monologue? Song?)

2. Write and present 2-3 minute “investigative journalism” report about a problem or danger that college students or their families ought to be aware of.          This report should not be satirical in nature.  Do actual research to find credible information to present.

To get full credit, create a digital video of your presentation, and post it on the World Wide Web.  You are responsible for both writing and performing your individual video; only one student will get credit for a given video, although other students can help with camera or editing work.  Feel free to use editing, music, or other effects to show off your professionalism or creativity.  Send me an email that includes a link to your (functioning) video, as well as your name and student ID number.  Make sure that the subject header of your email begins with “Extra Credit,” and be sure to indicate which class you are in.  (Part of the Category III assignment includes figuring out how to get yourself on tape, how to digitize the tape, and how to put it online.) Do not break any laws, do not send me anything obscene, and do not send more than one email for this project. Due no later than April 7.

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