Explain the definitions of culture based on anthropological and popular views. What is your own definition of culture?2. Explain the relationship between acculturation, assimilation and biculturalism.

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Explain the definitions of culture based on anthropological and popular views. What is your own definition of culture?2. Explain the relationship between acculturation, assimilation and biculturalism.

ANSWER ONE: based on article1. Explain the definitions of culture based on anthropological and popular views. What is your own definition of culture?2. Explain the relationship between acculturation, assimilation and biculturalism. Does language play a role in these processes?3. What is cultural relativism? How would you use that perspective in your daily work as a teacher, administrator, counselor, or school psychologist?4. What are some of the theories that explain the role of culture in minority culture in minority students?

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