Explain how media technology, like the iPad has changed how pre-school kids are learning, e-readers and how they have affected libraries around the world.

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Explain how media technology, like the iPad has changed how pre-school kids are learning, e-readers and how they have affected libraries around the world.

Possible topics could be the following:

~ a media technology, like the iPad and how it has changed how pre-school kids are learning, e-readers and how they have affected libraries around the world, etc.
~ a form of media, like a specific Reality TV series and how it reflects and affects its viewers, political blogs and how they affect our democratic process, etc.
~ a media company, like Apple or Disney and how they affect and reflect aspects of our culture like consumerism or the environment.
~ a media outlet, like Facebook, Twitter, CNN, etc. and how they connect to our cultural values of success, love, or religion.
~a media trend, like mash-ups or memes (either a specific one or the idea of them as a whole)
~ or how media is used by certain corporations to affect our culture, like how fast food companies leverage media aimed at kids to sell their products, or companies use media for PR (good and bad).
~a media theory like agenda setting or spiral of silence and how they can be seen in today’s media marketplace
~how certain forms of media don’t just inform or sell us a product, they sell us a concept for our culture, for example, you could look at billboards for a particular product, like Bud Light, and analyze what else they say about our culture.

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