Explain how each supporting action step you identified relates back to psychological concepts and the stressors of your own daily life.

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Explain how each supporting action step you identified relates back to psychological concepts and the stressors of your own daily life.

a) Rewrite the three personal or professional goals you identified in Section II-a as DAPPS goals (dated, achievable, personal, positive, specific). These three larger goals will inform your sub-goals for stress management.

b) Consider the DAPPS goals you identified in Section IV-a, and identify three sub-goals that address ways you can better cope with stress as you work towards your larger goals. These three goals become your action steps. Like your three main goals, your sub-goals should be DAPPS.

c) Explain how each supporting action step you identified relates back to psychological concepts and the stressors of your own daily life. How, specifically, will accomplishing each of these goals help to minimize your stress? What specific benefits do you think you will gain from achieving your sub-goals?

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