Explain, analyse and apply basic legal concepts and principlesrelating to company law.

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Explain, analyse and apply basic legal concepts and principlesrelating to company law.

Assignment Criteria
This assessment aimsto addressthe following unitlearning outcomes:
1. Explain, analyse and apply basic legal concepts and principlesrelating to company law.
2. Apply appropriate research techniques to select, evaluate and use information from
primary and secondary sourcestomake informed judgments aboutlegal issues.
3. Write well?structured documents relevant to company law using appropriate language
and styles.
The following are the assessment criteria forthis assignment:
1. Relevant legal concepts and principles of company law are identified, clearly explained
and correctly applied.
2. Appropriate and relevant primary and secondary sources are used.
3. Answers are logical and coherent using appropriate and accurate language.
4. Answers are fully and accurately referenced.
Assignment Task
Alpine Wines Ltd operates various wine retailshopsin Victoria. It hasfour directors and no
constitution. The four directors are Emily, Andrew, Mary and Charles. One of the directors
Charlesis aware that the company needsto lease a new retailshop and has offered Alpine
Wines Ltd a building owned by Olivia Sweet, his mother. At the next directors’ meeting the
board is to consider the renting of Olivia Sweet’s warehouse. Emily will be in France
attending the cheese festival and will miss the directors’ meeting. Emily is hoping to
promote Alpine Winesto go with the cheeses atthe festival.
Describe in detail how the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and case law requires Charles and
the other directors of Alpine Wines Ltd to deal with the leasing ofthe new retailshop atthe
boardmeeting or at any subsequentmeeting.

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