examine the grammar or ”the language of art and architecture,” and how these visual elements and principles communicate ideas and emotions through the visual information contained within images, based on the works of art presented in Chapter 2.Carefully read Chapter 2, paying close attention to the works of art used as examples of the concepts covered in the chapter.

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examine the grammar or ”the language of art and architecture,” and how these visual elements and principles communicate ideas and emotions through the visual information contained within images, based on the works of art presented in Chapter 2.Carefully read Chapter 2, paying close attention to the works of art used as examples of the concepts covered in the chapter.

To examine the grammar or ”the language of art and architecture,” and how these visual elements and principles communicate ideas and emotions through the visual information contained within images, based on the works of art presented in Chapter 2.Carefully read Chapter 2, paying close attention to the works of art used as examples of the concepts covered in the chapter.: This assignment requires a list format. Review the example in your Course Outline as a clear illustration of the formatting and depth of content required.Choose two of the following concepts covered in this chapter to use as your titles for each of the two analyses required for this chapter. Each analysis must address a specific, different concept and students must demonstrate understanding of how their selected works of art clearly illustrate the chosen specific concepts, repeated before each of the analysis as required:• The Language of Art and Architecture, the ideas being conveyed to viewers, can be deciphered by the use of the formal elements and design principles.• The basic vocabulary of visual art representations, including both two- and three-dimensional pieces, are the art elements and design principles.• We can learn about the language of art and architecture by defining their visual elements and the design principles of their arrangement in composition.You must repeat the topic or specific concept assigned at the beginning of each of your analyses.Use the grading rubric provided for this assignment as your guidelines and review the Exemplary Student Examples (if applicable) in order to develop an in-depth response and to earn the most points possible for your efforts.The titles of all works of art of must be in italics or quotation marks. Give the title of the artwork and either the artist’s name or the name of the culture in which the art was produced if there is no artist name. Information about each image in our textbook can be found in the credit lines next to the images in the textbook.Using your own words, choose two different works of art from Chapter 2 and explain how and where each of the five art elements (Line, Color, Shape, Texture, and Space) and the six principles of design (Balance (symmetrical, asymmetrical), Proportion, Emphasis, Time, Motion, Rhythm, and Scale).Then explain how each of these 12 terms is used by the artists to convey meaning to viewers, how they function within each artwork. Make sure you use the same list formatting illustrated in the Exemplary Student Examples in order to earn full credit. You must explain how at least one of the art terms, which you explained in your Chapter 2 assignment, functions within and is used by the artist/s to help convey meaning to the viewer in each future analysis, in order to earn full credit.: Students must  the specific term/s used in each analysis, in all future analyses.A ”Personal Responses” paragraph should follow each analysis, where you express your personal reactions to, perceptions of, and insights into each selected work of art. Answer the questions, for example:• How does the work make you feel?• What are you reminded of?• What do you think were the intentions of the artist/s?• What value is the work to viewers?Communication often means the use of oral and written language. However, people also use other languages to communicate their ideas. These include the languages of numbers and music, as well as the language of Art! Like dance or music, the language of art is composed of elements arranged into a structure so it can make sense to observers. In this chapter, we will examine those elements and the principles by which they are composed, structured, or organized into works of art. – Student’s response illustrates in his/her own words in-depth comprehension and synthesis of the each of the 12 specific assigned terms for the chapter assignment. – Student’s assignment is word-processed or legibly hand-written using his/her own words, correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation, with all titles placed in italics or quotation marks. – Student explained where and how each of the 12 assigned terms are used to convey meaning to viewers. – Student described specific details, both obvious and subtle, from within each work to support his/her explanations/analyses. – Student expressed, in one separate paragraph labeled Personal Comments, his/her in-depth personal responses, perceptions, insights, or reactions to the ideas embodied in each works.

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