Evaluate information management, planning, and control in business environments.

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Evaluate information management, planning, and control in business environments.

Evaluate information management, planning, and control in business environments.Please watch the following videos,  and  listed as Unit 7 Assignment found in the Webliography tab before starting your assigned paper.This is a two-part 5–6 page written project that will focus on Information management systems for your organization utilized in financial planning, and control in your organization This project also includes the use of Excel® spreadsheets containing financial data and required reports.In  describe information technology and information management systems used in marketing, accounting, management control, and discuss how you might use these systems in your organization.In you will determine the startup funds, source of funding, and create a break-even analysis for your organization using Excel spreadsheets.When you are ready, you may submit your paper and Excel file on the Dropbox page. *Note, include your name in all of your file names of each Assignment.

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