Evaluate how this process can be improved as a result of the information system improvement.

Genesis Energy’s newly established operations management team decided to seek outside assistance in developing a long-term operating plan that also addresses the financial issues identified and encompass not only sales, costs, and profitability forecast under the new strategic plan, but also the way expansion would highlight the need to manage working capital and cash flow in order to try to minimize the need for external financing.
August 7, 2017
There are two estimators for the population variance with different levels of bias and variance. Explain how you would go about choosing between these two estimators.
August 7, 2017
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Evaluate how this process can be improved as a result of the information system improvement.

System Analysis

Select an information system with which you are familiar, and that you think needs to be improved, based on your experiences as an employee, customer, system user, or system owner. Switch roles and perspectives as necessary to evaluate and develop a paper that responds to the following:

  • Describe the nature of the information system you have selected.
  • Describe the organization that owns and maintains the information system.
  • Describe the existing business process that this system will address.
  • Evaluate how this process can be improved as a result of the information system improvement.
  • Develop preliminary problem statements, using the matrix format shown in Figure 5-8.

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